buildHtml baseUrl metaTags editButton /edit.html title Flow - Agent Framework style.css header class hero nav div Flow class logo div class nav-links a Features href #features a Components href #components a Documentation href docs.html a Start class cta-button href start.html div class hero-content h1 Build Powerful Autonomous Agents p Create, deploy, and orchestrate intelligent agents with the Flow framework a Get Started class primary-button href start.html main section id features class features h2 Why Flow? div class feature-grid div class feature-card div 🤖 class feature-icon h3 Agent Orchestration p Seamlessly manage multiple agents working together div class feature-card div 🔄 class feature-icon h3 State Management p Built-in state handling and persistence div class feature-card div 🎯 class feature-icon h3 Goal-Oriented p Define objectives and let agents work autonomously div class feature-card div 🛠️ class feature-icon h3 Extensible p Add custom behaviors and capabilities section id components class components h2 Core Components div class component-grid div class component-card h3 Agent Core p The foundation for building intelligent agents div class component-card h3 Memory System p Flexible storage for agent knowledge and state div class component-card h3 Task Manager p Coordinate complex multi-agent workflows div class component-card h3 Integration Hub p Connect with external services and APIs footer div class footer-content div class footer-links a Documentation href docs.html a Examples href examples.html a GitHub href p Built with ❤️ by the Flow community script.js